THE ST. MIHIEL VICTORY, SEPTEMBER 1918 (Battlefield Guide) The world already knows of the undying glory achieved in the Great War by the American Soldiers, but perhaps less is known about the historic ground over which they fought. The purpose of the present volume is more to describe, for the benefit of the tourist, that section of France where the battle of Saint-Mihiel raged, than to dwell on the splendid achievements of the brave troops from across the seas who took that ancient stronghold, and thus opened the way to Metz. At the same time, it is fitting to remind the reader that at Saint-Mihiel the Americans liberated over 150 square miles of French territory; took over 15,000 German prisoners and captured upwards of 200 guns. President Poincare, in a message to President Wilson, expressed in the following words, the feelings of France regarding the glorious achievements of the American troops: “I congratulate you, Mr. President, on a victory which has been completed so brilliantly. General Pershing’s magnificent divisions have just liberated with admirable dash, cities and villages of Lorraine which have been groaning for years under the yoke of the enemy. I express the warmest thanks of France to the people of the United States.” Marshal Foch, also, expressed the greatest possible admiration for the way the American troops fought their way to the great victory at Saint-Mihiel. In describing the battle Marshal Foch said: ” This was where the Americans for the first time showed their worth. This is where we were able to judge of these admirable soldiers, strong in body and valiant in soul. In one swoop they reduced the famous salient, which during so long we did not know how to approach.” In closing this brief introduction, the publisher wishes to say that it would have been an easy matter to fill the pages following with many high-sounding phrases and verbose descriptions, but it has been thought better to adhere to the facts (they speak for themselves), and to furnish the tourist as briefly as possible with an historically correct account of the great victory of Saint-Mihiel.
122 pages